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Challenging but rewarding hike to Poon Hill through Ulleri and Ghore Pani with a wonderful guide. Views on the way and at the top were breathtaking and the teahouses we stayed were way beyond what we expected in terms of quality, comfort, and views! Good value for the time we had and everything included so stress free allowing us to focus on the natural beauty. Highly recommended!


项目:两天一夜徒步 + 滑翔伞 + 机票预订 体验:我们时间紧张且有高反,没办法走经典徒步线,老板为我们定制了路线、安排了非常靠谱、经验充足,英文很棒的 Tour Guide。一路攀援向上,途径村庄、森林,人果然贴近自然便心情舒畅。住宿村庄春色满园,食物皆是新鲜烹制。各项都超过预期。 滑翔伞也是非常棒的体验。车接车送,每人安排飞行员,英文很好,沟通无障碍。可惜五月的博卡拉雾霭茫茫,不然体验会更好。 博卡拉飞加德满都的机票也在这里预定。因为雾霾航班屡屡取消,老板持续帮我们关注航班情况,安排好航班。临出发早晨五点多,回复我们的消息确认航班信息。非常负责周到、值得信赖。 价格:极其友好。综合比较了 Lakeside 街上两三家旅社,这家价格最友好。 综上,五星推荐 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Lei Qi

Highly recommend Vintage Travel for all your trekking and travelling needs when in Pokhara. Dev and Jayaram are the most approachable, kind, and honest brothers who will cater to all your needs, whether it be airline tickets, bus tickets, trekking plans or simply helping you with any queries you may have. I have been using Vintage Travels for many years and would never consider anyone else as their honesty and integrity is beyond words. THANKYOU Vintage Travel

Bethany Pedersen